Page 8 - OSG: 25 Years on Motcomb Street
P. 8


                                                    The Wheat Field,  acrylic on canvas, 40 x 100 cm

                                                       This landscape is painted like most of my landscapes in recent years from a
                                                       combination of visual memory and imagination. I am no longer able to visit
                                                       the places I enjoy any more due to failing eyesight and mobility issues. I have
                                                       always loved trees and they are invariably the starting point in my woodland
                                                       scenes. I often paint them as I have here in combination with fields, woodland
                                                       paths and a distant horizon to focus the eye.

                                                       I started this painting before my cataract operation last August (the second
                                                       one following this January) so this may have affected the end result.

                                                       Hoping the gallery will be celebrating another twenty five years at least.
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